Account Planning as a Service (APaaS) - October 2024

Opportunity Updates 10/2024
(Report for Subscription only)
See current changes to occur FY2024 are Bold (*). Italicized are closed opportunities.
Total of $80+B for these opportunities are now online through our subscription service.

- SB, 8(a), SDVOSB, WOSB/EDWOSB, HUBZone and OSDBU Account Plans are now online as a paid monthly database subscription.
- End of May 2024 Hard copy Account Plans for SB, 8(a), SDVOSB, WOSB/EDWOSB, HUBZone and OSDBU opportunities will be in our online store updated for $5.99 each. 10% discount will be applied if you sign up for the Database monthly subscription plan.
- APaaS Account Plan GSA Schedules. $6.3 B (304 Opportunities USAID $45M, USDA $38M, DOC $43M, CFTC $9M, CFPB $24M, DoD $1.3B, Dept of Ed $36M, Dept of Energy $102M, EPA $41M, GSA $349M, HHS $289M, DHS $212M, HUD $8M, DOI $137M, DOJ $47M, DOL $4M, NASA $7M, NSF $11M, NRC $1M, OPM $53M, Peace Corps $2M, PBGC $1.7M, SBA $9.4, DOS $42M, DOT $27M, Treasury $116M, VA $143M).
This update will address any new information on when the government is releasing a solicitation for competition. The Opportunity Number is noted below from the Account Plans. Only opportunities that have had an acquisition change at this time are highlighted for 2024. This blog is not tracking GSA agency IDIQ contracts like Polaris, Alliant, OASIS, STARS II, other Agency Mega IDIQs like NETCENTS ITES-3S, or Seaport-e, etc. We are concentrating on the Small Business opportunities only.
Small Business Opportunities
O-00057 (Treasury $27M): Incumbent contract was extended and is not set to expire on September 2027. Increase in value from $18M to $19M. No change. Place of Performance: Fort Worth, TX.
O-00061 (Army $7.6M): Multiple contracts are due to expire in February 2026. No solicitation to be released in 2024.
*O-00062 (Army $50M): Multiple contracts are due to expire in May 2027. There is an on-ramp in Option year 3rd and 6th. Currently in 4th option period. Possible release of solicitation will be Q1 2027. Contracting Office released a Sources Sought Notice on September 19, 2024. Responses are due no later than 4:30 PM EST on September 27, 2024. The 5 Domains include: 1) Technical Services, 2) Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation Services. 3) Management and Advisory Services. 4) High-Level IT Services. 5. Low-Level IT Services. The Contracting Office previously stated that it plans to host an Industry Day in the coming months. Place of Performance: CONUS/OCONUS and Aberdeen, MD.
O-00064 (Army $8.8M): Single contract is due to expire in September 2025.
O-00065 (Army $24.7M): GAO protest has occurred and corrective action may be possible. Currently expiration on or about May 31, 2027.
O-00066 (Army $495M): Multiple contracts are due to expire in February 2026. Place of Performance: CONUS/OCONUS
O-00067 (Army $7.7M): Single contract is due to expire in August 2028. Expected solicitation February 2026. Place of Performance: Arlington, VA. Continue to monitor this opportunity.
O-00069 (Army $1.4M): Single contract is due to expire in September 2025.
O-00071 (USMC $2M): Single contract is due to expire in September 2025. Place of Performance: Arlington, VA
O-00072 (Navy $3M): Single contract is due to expire in September 2025. Place of Performance: CONUS/OCONUS
O-00074 (Navy $72M): Single contract is due to expire in January 2026. Place of Performance: Arlington, VA
O-00075 (Navy $3.3M): Contract was awarded to incumbent on October 13, 2023. The contract is expected to expire on June 2028. Place of Performance: Lanham, MD
O-00077 (Navy $32M: Single contract was awarded on 9/20/21 with an expiration of March 31, 2027. Place of Performance: Falls Church, VA
O-00081 (DHS - $13M): Single contract is due to expire in February 2026. Place of Performance: Arlington, VA
O-00083 (HHS - $10M): Single contract is scheduled to expire in September 2027. Place of Performance: Arlington, VA
O-00085 (HHS -$1.8M): Single Award contract. This opportunigy will be monitored should it become activated. Place of Performance: Albuquerque, NM
O-00087 (HHS $4.9M): Single contract is set to expire in August 2025. Place of Performance: Rockville, MD
O-00088 (NASA $38.8M): Source Selection was made for the amount of $38M. This will expire now in Novemer 2029. Place of Performance: Cleveland, OH
O-00089 (USMC $4.2M): Single contract is set to expire in June 2022. No change. Continue to monitor this work for activation. Place of Performance Quantico, VA
O-00090 (USMC $11.8M): Single contract is set to expire in June 2022. No change. Continue to monitor this work for activation. Place of Performance: Indianapolis, IN and Kansas City, MO
O-00092 (USMC $1M): Single contract is set to expire in August of 2025. Place of Peformance: Beaufort, SC, New River Mcas, NC and Cherry Point, NC
O-00093 (USMC $39M): Multiple contracts now full and open competition are due to expire in July 2028. Place of Performance: Camp Blaz, GuamCamp Pendleton, CA Camp Hansen, JPN, Kaneohe Bay, HI and Camp Lejeune, NC
O-00094 (USMC $2.7M): Single contract is set to expire in March 2023. No change. Continue to monitor this work for activation. Place of Performance: Quantico, VA
O-00095 (USMC $11.2M): This opportunity will expire in July 2028. Place of Performance: Quantico, VA
O-00096 (USMC $1M): This opportunity will expire in July 2028.
O-00098 (USMC $1M): Single contract is set to expire in August 2023. No change. Contune to monitor this work for activation.
O-00099 (USMC $5.4M): Government will be releasing this opportunity via GSA eBuy. This opportunity was awarded on September 14, 203 and will expire in September 2026.
O-00100 (USMC $2.4M): Proposals were collected on April 19, 2024. an award notice was given in the amount of $2.4M. This contract will no exprie in May 31, 2029. Place of Performance: Twentynine Palms, CA.
O-00101 (USMC $3.6M): Single contract is set to expire in January 2027. Place of Performance: Camp Lejuene, NC.
*O-00103 (USMC $4M): An award was made on December 20, 2018 in the amount of $4.1M. The contract was set to expire o June 29, 2024. Place of Performance: Quantico, VA. Continue to monitor this opportunity for activation.
*O-00104 (USMC $2M): Single contract is set to expire in September 2024. RFP is projected in Q4 2024. These dates may slip. Place of Performance: Santa Barbara, CA. No change at this time.
O-00105 (USMC $59M): Single contract is set to expire in August 2025. Place of Performance: Contractor Facility.
O-00131 (Air Force $90M): This opportunity will expire on March 2028. Place of Performance: Florida, Duke Field, Texas, Naval Air Station Joint Reserve, Georgia, Dobbins Air Reserve Base
San Antonio, Texas, Joint Base San Antonio and Minnesota.
OSDBU SB Opportunities -NEW
O-00151 (NOAA - OSDBU $50M): Single contract is set to expire in May 31, 2023. On October 5, 2023 Question and Answers were released. Proposals are due October 26, 2023. Work to commence December 1, 2023. No award has been announced.
O-00153 (NOAA - OSDBU $753K): This contract will expire April 2028.
*O-00155 (NOAA - OSDBU $5M): This contract will expire in March 2024. Place of Performance: Silver Springs, MD. Continue monitoring opportunity.
O-00156 (NIST - OSDBU $18M): Solicitation is expected to be released on March 2024. The follow on contract is estimated to be awarded in Q4 2024.
O-00162 (DOE - OSDBU $9B): Award to 14 vendors was released on March 27, 2024. This is a 10 year contract. These contracts will expire March, 31, 2034. Place of Performance: Washington, DC.
*O-00163 (DOE - OSDBU $2.7M): A Justification and Approval was issued on April 1, 2022 to extend the current contract for one-year with a one-year option period. Expiring on June 30, 2024. Place of Performance: CONUS, Contractor's Facility. Contnue monitoring this opportunity.
O-00165 (DOJ - OSDBU $34M): This contract is muliple award contract that will expire in August 31, 2025.
O-00166 (DOJ - OSDBU $900M): This contract is a multiple award contract that will expire on 9/9/2023. No follow on contract information is available at this time. Continue to monitor this work.
O-00167 (DOT - OSDBU $18M): This contract is anticipated to expire in May 2027.
O-00168 (DSCA - OSDBU $24M): This is a new requirement and solicitation release is not clear a this time.
O-00169 (DSCA - OSDBU $1M): No change at this time. DSCA procurement forecast anticipates a solicitation in Q1 of 2024. Possible contract value is approximately $5M-$10M.
*O-00174 (HHS - OSDBU $6.3M): Responses were collected as on April 17, 2024. This opportunity will expire on November 29, 2024. A Solicitation was released on September 13, 2024, questions due on September 20, 2024. Proposals due September 27, 2024. Work is scheduled to begin November 15, 2024 . Place of Performance: CONUS.
*O-00175 (HHS - OSDBU $20M): A bridge task order was awarded to on June 22, 2023. The bridge task order is set to expire in June 2026. Place of Performance: Washington, DC.
*O-00176 (HHS - OSDBU $350M): The Contracting Office stated evaluations are still being conducted and an Award has not been made to date. APaaS app is up to date with solicitation documentation. Place of Performance: Washington, DC.
O-00178 (HHS - OSDBU $271M): The bridge task order is set to expire in June 2026. Continue to monitor ths work. Place of Performance: Continental US and Territories for 12 Regions.
O-00180 (HHS - OSDBU $250M): This opportunity is still active and will expire in September 2025.
*O-00181 (HHS - OSDBU $149M): Awards will be made around September 15, 2024. Award has been delayed. Continue to monitor this work. Place of Performance: CONUS
O-00183 (SSA - OSDBU $17M): This opportunity is still active and will expire in February 2026.
8(a) Opportunities
O-00107 (NASA $38M): This opportunity was awarded. This work will expire on November 30, 2029. Place of Performance: Cleveland, OH.
O-00108 (HHS $795M): Contract is expected to expire March 2025.
O-00110 (GSA $22M): Award was made to a JV. This effort will expire on February 25, 2029. Place of Performance: CONUS, OCONUS and Tampa, FL.
O-00111: This contract is now due October 2027. 2 awards made to incumbents.
*O-00113: Contract is expected to expire July 2024. Continue to monitor this work. Place of Performance: Arlington, VA.
O-00116 (Army $20M): This opportunity will expire in 2027.
*O-00117 (Army-CCSA): This contract will expire in July 2024. Continue to monitor this work. Place of Performance: Manassas, VA.
O-00118 (Army): This contract is due to expire on February 2025.
*O-00119 (Air Force $16M): No change for this opportunity. Currently under a GSA contract and not sure if this will move to another contract vehicle and will expire in September 2024. Work is scheduled to start on September 28. 2024. There seems to be a delay for this work. Place of Performance: Andrews Air Force, MD.
O-00120 (Air Force $5.9M): This contract will expire in September 2023. No change. Continue to monitor this work.
O-00121 (DOJ $6.1M changed to $30.6M): This contract will expire in December 2026.
OSDBU 8(a) Opportunities -NEW
O-00157 (DOC - OSDBU $7.7M): Work awarded to the incumbent. on September 7, 2023. The total value of the awarded contract is $8,974,895. Updated documents in APaaS Database: solicitations and Amendments included. This opportunity will expire September 28, 2026.
O-00184 (HHS - OSDBU): This opportunity is expected to expire in May 2026.
SDVOSB Opportunities:
O-00122 (DOJ): This contract is due to expire on April 2025.
*O-00123 (VA $21.5M): In Source Selection status until Award information becomes available. Pre-award protets have been received. Place of Performance: Alexandria, VA.
O-00124 (VA): Follow-on was issued as a sole source award on May 28, 2024. This work will expire in 2029. Place of Performance: CONUS
O-00125 (VA): On Ramp for this opportunity was stopped due to COVID. May open again. September 28, 2023 5 new awards were made for the on-ramp. Updated contact information has been updated for all 5 awarded companies. This opportunity will expire on August 26, 2028. Please see App for more detailed information.
*O-00126 (VA): The contract will expire in October 2024. In Source Selection. Pre-award protests have been received. Place of Performance: Harpers Ferry, WV.
O-00128 (VA $4M): This opportunity is to be recompeted March 2023. No change. Continue to Monitor this work.
O-00130 (Air Force): This contract was on track to expire in August 2024. No change.
O-00132 (Army $24M): A contract was awarded to the incumbent. in the amount of $20,415,167 on September 19, 2023. This contract will expire in September 2027. All solicitation documents are updated in the APaaS Database.
O-00134 (Army): Contract is expected to expire in June 2025.
WOSB/EDWOSB Opportunities
*O-00059 (Air Force $203M): Currently the contract is set to expire by August 2024. Continue to monitor this work. Place of Performance: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, JB Langley-Eustis
O-00136 (Navy $10M): No change. This opportunity is scheduled to be recompeted in October 2023. No change. Continue to monitor this work.
O-00137 (Navy): This opportunity is scheduled for expiration September 2022. No change regarding a follow on contract. Continue to monitor this work.
O-00138 (GSA): Contract remains set to expire in September 2027.
*O-00139 (GSA): April 11, 2024 RFI were released on AFIMSC, HCATS SB, OASIS 8(a), HCATS, OASIS SB, OAISIS and GSA schedules. Anticipate Q4 2024 solicitation release. RFP release is imminent.
OSDBU WOSB/EDWOS Opportunities - NEW
O-00163 (DOE -OSDBU $2.7M): J&A was issued on 4/1/2024. One year plus 1 year option. This will in June 2026. Monitor this opportunity. Place of Performance: Contractor Facility.
O-00142 (Army): Current contracts are still active and remain set to expire in April 2026.
GSA Schedules (Additional Opportunities in APaaS Account Plan GSA Schedules.)
O-00143 (USTRANSCOM $19M): Eminent solicitation for this work and will expire January 2023. $19M and the government released a J&A on 5/10/2023 and extended to September 30, 2025. Contracting Office released a J &A on May 10, 2023 to award a bridge to DPRA to extend performance through September 30, 2025. APaaS Database documents are updated.
O-00144 (State $23M): This opportuty will expire in May 2023. No change.
O-00147 (Navy): This opportunity will expire in March 2027.
O-00150 (DHS ICE): This opportunity will experie in September 29, 2025.
Account Plans Are Available Now To get started, go to our website ( today and download your Account Plan or the APaaS App and get started in your business development activities. Many of these opportunities will be coming up for competition. If you have a 3 - 5 month to 1 year window that should give you enough time to team, write, message, price and win work before your competitors.
Happy Hunting!
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